About the Black Lions
When this regiment was organized in 1901, the color of Infantry facings was white, which has been taken for the color of the shield. As soon as organized the regiment went to the Philippines, seeing active service against the Moros in Mindanao. The kris and kampilan, the Moro weapons, commemorate such service.
In the World War the 28th Infantry was in the 1st Division, and was the attacking regiment at Cantigny, the first important engagement of our Army in that war. Cantigny is in the ancient province of Picardy, whose arms carried three black rampant lions. The regiment was cited twice in Army Orders by the French for distinguished services rendered at Cantigny and Soissons, and was awarded the Fourragère, which is incorporated as a part of the crest. The motto is Vincit Amor Patriae (Love of Country Conquers).
The coat of arms was approved on 11 Dec 1920.
28th Infantry Board of Directors 2024
Col Samuel Hawes (Ret) Honorary Colonel of the Regiment
CSM Rodney (Ray) Lewis (Ret) Honorary Command Sergeant Major
Mike MacDonald, President
Phil Duncan, Vice President
Paul Frampton, Secretary
Clyde Criss, Treasurer
Board of Directors
Dave Aldridge, Past President
Tyler Bush, Quartermaster
Tom McLellan
Pasquale Caputo
Don Eastburn

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